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If the product seller is an individual seller whose monthly revenue is lower than NTD$80,000, the seller does not need to issue a receipt according to tax law. On the other hand, if the seller is a business seller, then a receipt should be shipped to AREA 02 along with the product.

Note: Any seller who has questions on whether a receipt should be issued is advised to check information provided on the website of the Ministry of Finance, or to consult with professionals.

Selling process
Once buyers make orders, sellers should send their products to AREA 02’s company address to have them authenticated. Once they pass the authentication, AREA 02 will ship them to buyers; if they fail, AREA 02 will cancel orders, and ship the products back to sellers.
Become a seller

You need to register as a member first. After becoming a AREA 02 member, click the button of a sneaker icon in the top right corner and fill out all the required information to register as a seller. You are allowed to sell your product only after your application is verified and approved. Please be aware that a real-name system is adopted to seller’s application. Your application will be approved only when all the information input is authentic.

Note: We are recently expecting a longer verification time due to high amount of applicants. Still, we would advise you finish the seller registration process first. We will contact you as soon as possible. We are looking forward to our collaboration.

Transaction fee

When you make a sale through AREA 02, you will be charged a transaction fee of the price you display for each listing. The percentage of transaction fee is currently at around 15% in average. The percentage will be adjusted according to selling performance, and it will be shown on the Seller Zone after a seller verification is approved.


Sellers are solely responsible for the shipping cost whether their orders will be completed or cancelled. As long as products can arrive at AREA 02 within 2 business days after orders are confirmed, sellers can decide which way to send their products to AREA 02 for authentication. Company address of AREA 02 is shown below. Sellers are welcome to drop their products at AREA 02 in person during our business hours.

Company address: 1F., No.59, Ln. 63, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City 106045, Taiwan (R.O.C.)

Business hour: Mon - Fri, 10am - 6pm

Listing products

If you do not find the product you want to sell while listing, please click「我找不到想賣的商品」to request AREA 02 platform update product list.

Note: Currently, AREA 02 platform does not approve all requests. If your request is approved, products will be updated to the product list within 3~5 business days. Please check if it is updated and try listing your product after it. If not, It means the product you request to update cannot be approved.

Payment transmitted to sellers will be the amount after deduction of transaction fee and banking fee. It will be transmitted only on the 20th or 5th of every month. If order status shows "Completed" during 1st~15th of a month, then payment will be transmitted on the 20th of the month. On the other hand, if order status shows "Completed" during 16th~31st of a month, payment will be transmitted on the 5th of the coming month.


*The status "Completed" is defined as the day when buyers received their orders.

*If payment transmission day, 20th or 5th, is a holiday, payment will be transmitted later on the coming business day.