No changes can be made to any orders submitted. Please check all the information on your order before submitting it.
Since products might belong to different sellers, every product will be shipped by different sellers and processed separately even if you ordered several products in one order. Therefore, products in one order might all be delivered at different times.
If your order is cancelled, you will get an email notification on the cancellation reason. Generally, reasons for cancellation could be the following.
1. Authentication failed
2. Defective product
3. Payment expired
Refunds will be issued in around 5 business days after cancellation.
If your order was paid by ATM Transfer or Convenient Store Payment, please provide the following information to so that a refund can be issued:
1. Bank Name & Code:
2. Branch Name & Code:
3. Account Holder's Name:
4. Account Number:
Items in the shopping cart are not reserved to any buyer until an order is made. Therefore, it is possible that you fail submitting your order because the item on your order is sold to another buyer right before you submit it.